SDCC 2017

Trade Show, Con, and Festival Discussion
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I'm mostly excited about the Iron Ghost Shell! Bought it off someone who went there so hopefully, I get to build it next week! Apart from that, that mysterious Alien line grabbed my attention! This should be a nice franchise to build!

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Ashtalon wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2017 2:21 am
I read that those 6 figures are part of a new Heroes line. 6 figures. 3 properties. Hopefully, they have plans to make sets of each of those properties, because I feel each one could support a few vehicle/playset sets. Tons of potential with each property. I hope we at least get the main crew of TNG. And a good dozen or two MOTU characters. 2 figures from each property per wave will take forever to build up the casts of these properties.
Agreed but they might be using this as a way to gauge interest in these other potential series. I'm looking at star trek and honing in on aliens. Thouse are some nice molds and sculpt work. They also look great. Heman looks good to I might just get him as he's a joke me and my friends use when talking about overly zelouse players in CoD.

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The new Mega Construx Heroes line looks to be awesome. I can't wait to get bunches of those Xenomorphs and Borg (as many as I can get my hands on). It will also be great to get MotU figures that are the same scale as other lines. I'm looking forward to the great mash-ups this could lead to. For me it's like my childhood all over again .... but even cooler. And there is plenty of potential for future waves since Mega has rights to Hellboy/B.P.R.D., Predator and Power Rangers. This could also be a good format to get more characters from some lines that aren't active anymore. The occasional new character from the classic Ninja Turtles, Star Trek TOS, Assassin's Creed and Terminator. Could we even see some new versions of old lines return (I'm looking for some new super articulated World of Warcraft ... even if the movie did bomb)?
I'll be sure to do my part to make this a success. Thank you Mega.

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So is the Beyond line still in development?
Seems this year's display was lacking.

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