Photo tips

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Some of you guys take great pics, thought I would start a post for you guys to spread some tips on how to take good in focus pics. Lighting and stuff. Do you think of the camera before you start the scene or try to find the perfect angle once you set the scene. Just and tips or little tricks you can think of. Macro or normal focus, put the lens close or zoom. Ya know stuff like that.

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First I like to make sure I have an area that has a lot of light.
I also make sure there is nothing in the background, having a bunch a stuff around is distracting

I've noticed if you point the camera from the top down on the toy it will look smaller
point it from the bottom up and the toy looks EPIC!!! ;p

like this:

Make sure the toy is centered and in focus, i don't use a fancy camera. Just my phone.
On most camera apps you can tap on the screen to get it to focus the camera.

If you want it to focus correctly you might have to get closer or backup.
and you will want to hold it as steady as possible. Maybe even make a stand out of blocks?

Once you take your picture you might want to make some adjustments.
I use a photo editing app on my phone. It lets my crop and play with the saturation and brightness.

Play around with those until you find something you like, and eventually it will become your signature look.

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Wow these are some really great tip's

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Since I've been uploading my work on the gallery for a little over a year now, there are lots of things that I could give advice for. The biggest thing, in my opinion, is making sure the picture is focused on the object of interest.

If (for example) a figure was looking back over his shoulder to see a tank aiming at him, there are multiple objects of interest there: one being the figure and another being the tank. If it's the figure, it's a good idea to focus your lens on the figure while blurring the tank. If it's the tank, then it's the other way around.


Also, different camera angles are real important too. If you're just taking pics from one angle, it might turn out repetitive. If you experiment with different angles (even if it turns out crazy), you can keep your audience interested in what's going on.



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