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Hey guys AngryArbiter hear this topic is for those owners of the new Destiny expansion RISE OF IRON and how to get the new Exotics if you need any help in game hears my gamer tag for the XBOX ONE Veggehtehbull so lets get started!

First hears how to get The Young Wolfs Howl. You start the Rise of Iron campainge and get the Rise of Iron quest complete that and you get The Young Wolfs Howl.

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Iron Gjallowhorn you pre-order Rise of Iron but you won't beable to use it till you have year three Gjallowhorn so I'll tell you how to get that.

Gjallowhorn. You open up the Rise of Iron Record Book and it will give you a quest called Echos of the Past complete the first step of the Echos of the Past quest go to Lord Saladin to complete Echos of the Past after that he'll give you a quest called Beauty in Destruction when you get to the second to last step there's a level called Beauty in Delivery in that level you will need to repare Gjallowhorn when your done doing that you go to your Ghost and clame your Gjallowhorn then severel infinte ammo heavy weapon crates will drop and with Gjallowhorn you have to kill seven fallen pikes and two fallen Splicer Walkers after that level you have your Gjallowhorn

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