Mega Construx She-Ra Vs. Hordak Monstroid Set Release in North America

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Hello All,

Does anyone know when this set will be available in North America? I had it preordered from a site that cancelled on me, and I have not been able to find it, but it is on eBay shipping from Europe and Malaysia. At this point this is the last set I need from the MotU sets and I want to ensure that I can buy it as I love this line.

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I think its still a distribution thing, you have already some new Hot Wheels and other stuff while we in Europe get them not or much later Mid April some and other we have alrady while US dont. Same with the MotU Sets we have Hordak set for 3 weeks now and just got the Land shark.
I guess you only need to wait.

I dont know why Mattel messes the distribution up, while we in Europe and esecialy in Germany dont get all stuff.
Might be an Amazon problem aswell. Dont know why some stes are Amazon only, thats basicly very bad overall.

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You can order both sets right now (Land Shark and Monstroid) from Wal-Mart's online store. I just did so and cancelled my Big Bad Toy Store preorder for them (sorry BBTS, but this saves me at least $4 on shipping and I dunno when you'd get around to fulfilling the preorder).

Hope you can get them before they're sold out. Good luck!

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I ordered Monstro about a month ago on amazon. Received it about two weeks ago.
i have seen it there as recently as yesterday, thought I don't remember the price.

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