Special effects in gallery posts

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This is an issue that's been bugging me for a while, and I've finally hit the point where I've decided to bring it up.

I make a lot of comics. It's kind of my main thing on this site. And I go to great lengths to make sure those comics are of high quality when it comes to editing and effects. For a long time now, I've been using a set of photorealistic flame brushes for explosions, gunshots, fires, etc. but for some reason, these effects don't always pass moderation, and the issue has seemingly gotten much worse in the past few months.

Here are some examples of those effects in pics that have made it through, from different times this year.

https://unboxed.megaconstrux.com/en-us/ ... s-part-282
https://unboxed.megaconstrux.com/en-us/ ... s-part-285
https://unboxed.megaconstrux.com/en-us/ ... ion-part-8
https://unboxed.megaconstrux.com/en-us/ ... on-part-12
https://unboxed.megaconstrux.com/en-us/ ... on-part-14
https://unboxed.megaconstrux.com/en-us/ ... on-part-46

What I don't understand is that the pictures that the moderators refuse to allow through, no matter how many times I try to edit them in, are no different to these, and some are even tamer. Characters shooting their guns at things out of frame, explosions with no one caught in the blast radius, and so on. Myself and other users I've shared the pics with can't find anything objectionable in the blocked images, with the only common feature between them being that they happen to feature these realistic effects.

As far as I'm aware, no rules have changed recently, so can someone please help me understand what guideline I'm apparently breaking by using high-quality effects in my comics? Why have the images linked above been deemed okay, but near-identical pics aren't? It's really frustrating to put so much time and work into producing a comic then have integral images blocked for no apparent reason.

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