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Halo Marine Platoon Pack Using Old Legs?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 11:52 am
by Quadee365
Looking at the new Marine Platoon Pack, it appears that Mega Construx has gone back to using the old upper leg models, leading to their height being reduced again. Is this the case, and if so, can I get someone to confirm? I sincerely hope not, as the new height was the only reason I was even collecting this wave in the first place. Really hope MC didn't bend to public pressure over a centimeter or two of difference.

Re: Halo Marine Platoon Pack Using Old Legs?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 7:52 pm
by NatoGreavesy
I can't speak to the Platoon pack, since that hasn't been officially revealed yet, to my knowledge, but MCX staff have confirmed that future marines will be returning to a more proportionate leg design.

I believe Kevin_MCX will be doing some kind of official post on the subject in the near future, so I don't want to steal his thunder.

Re: Halo Marine Platoon Pack Using Old Legs?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 1:57 pm
by Quadee365
***... Such a poor decision IMO. It's a TOY, and the larger scale puts the figures in a more reasonable scale and proportion when you consider the upper and lower halves of the body. The smaller figures feel almost dwarfish and caricatured when compared to the new one. This is awful news.

Re: Halo Marine Platoon Pack Using Old Legs?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 11:26 pm
by Admiral-Sabree
I disagree. Marine high differences are just another form of marine diversity. I'm fine with the marine's newer legs being shorter. As it has been confirmed at this point. Most people wanted it and I was in the minority of not being bothered by it. So, good. Mega listened to majority demand and I'm happy.

Personally my guy. Its not a reason to bail on the line, but it bothered alot of collectors and if it bothers you that they are going to be coming shorter, regretfully you are also the minority, as I am with not being bothered by the change at all. I'll keep massing these beautiful marines either way. But that's me. If you have discord there may be some users who would be willing to trade upper legs with you.

Re: Halo Marine Platoon Pack Using Old Legs?

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:26 am
by NatoGreavesy
I think cost is a big contributor to the decision, not just fan feedback. The change was made to allow more customisation options by making marines able to wear CoD leg pouches. People are happy with that, but not with marines now being taller than Spartans.

The options were to either change the marines to make the heights more reasonable, or make every other figure type taller. One of those things was far cheaper than the other.