Contacting a user

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Is there anyway to directly message a user or get my email address to them so I can talk to them without posting it for the world to see?

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The point of this website is internet safety and constant monitoring, so no. However there is a MCX Discord, and lots of us have Xbox.

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I see. I was thinking more along the lines of giving my email to an admin and seeing if they could pass it along and if the person wanted to get in touch, they could.

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Afraid not m8

But we have discord.

Why exactly do you want email addresses?

And who are you trying to message?

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Hi. I wanted to talk to a customized whose work I really admire (robk1967). I just wanted to ask him a bunch of questions about his sculpting style, and get any tips or tricks. I just thought email would be a more conducive way to talk.

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Can I get an add for the discord server? HurtyMcHurt#6986

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... And here I was, thinking my profile pic was unique.

Fair warning, people might confuse us.
Another fair warning, people hate me, so it's not exactly in your interests to be confused with me.

Pro tip: please change that profile pic to avoid confusion if you don't want it.
You are in no way obligated to do so, but it'd be nice not to be confused.

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Idk who that is tbh and I don't know if they even use the site anymore

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