Missing pieces request glich?

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Hello Mega Bloks, I went to ask for some pieces needed for a set to complete it and the website (for some reason didn't ask for what specific pieces). It just sent in my request. how are you to know what pieces I'm asking for?

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When I did one recently (first missing piece out of about 20 or so sets) I typed in the part number and description in the description text box. You can get the part number off the parts list in the instructions.
Since they don't have a way to contact them after submitting the form, if I were you I'd just submit another request. It took me about 3 weeks to get my part.

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I also noticed that some products have two different SKUs.
You may have to try both of the SKUs to get the parts you need.
You'll need to search the web to find if your product has an alternate SKU.

Hope this helps.

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