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I honestly have been getting annoyed by what happens with this, but idk if this post belongs here or somewhere else. Anyways, I always get really angry when I try to post a comment/picture and it doesn’t upload. That part doesn’t get me too bad, I know there are rules, but what really sucks is that there’s no notifications! Like, I have a cool custom, then I check back the next day and it’s not there! It’s even worse with comments, because there is no one page for those.

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RockManJJ wrote:
Thu May 28, 2020 11:03 am
I honestly have been getting annoyed by what happens with this, but idk if this post belongs here or somewhere else. Anyways, I always get really angry when I try to post a comment/picture and it doesn’t upload. That part doesn’t get me too bad, I know there are rules, but what really sucks is that there’s no notifications! Like, I have a cool custom, then I check back the next day and it’s not there! It’s even worse with comments, because there is no one page for those.
The moderation system obviously has its flaws and it's not perfect, but it's for the safety of a younger audience. Sometimes the system picks up on things that aren't actually inappropriate, and it doesn't make it past moderation.

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Moderation is done by humans, it seems like sometimes they do a second review.
Also keep in mind that users can report posts.

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