Macro Action Figures?

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I've been a huge fan of the micro actIon figures, not only because of the insane level of articulation at such a small scale, but also because of the endless ways to switch around parts and accessories as a means of customization. However, there's only so much you can do with figures at such a small scale.

I'd like to propose a complimentary line that focuses on collectible, larger-scale action figures. (3 to 4 inches in height.) Think of a collectible figure with the same articulation or more as the current micro action figures, but at the scale of the Didact figure from 2014's Broadsword set.

Little would need to be done in terms of adding to the already superb articulation, the only changes coming to mind being the addition of the same ball/hinge joints used at the elbows, but also at the knees (a la the Monster High figures), as well as a ball/socket joint connecting the hands to the wrists, as well as the feet to the ankles. The feet would be 1x2 studs in dimension, with holes in the bottom to make standing on a studded surface possible. The hands could vary in shape and size, but would ultimately be able to click onto and grip around the same diameter of handles and bars being currently used by the micro figures.

In terms of additional parts and weapons, think of the recent armory sets in the Destiny line. Enough accessories to give the base figure a different look, three different weapons and some sort of display stand would make a very satisfying collectible figure.

Given the size of the figures and the number of parts, I'd project a $14.99 MSRP, but I'm no sales expert. And while I'm making this proposal primarily with the current Collector's Series lines in mind (Destiny and Halo especially), Mega Brands could very easily and successfully take such a line in the same direction as the Kubros line, where characters from different properties are released in multiple waves. Such properties could include:

-Call of Duty
-Assassin's Creed

The possibilities are endless, depending on which licenses are already owned by Mega Brands and Mattel/whichever license, they seem worthwhile to obtain based on the target demographic. (I know I'd personally love to see an entire line based on Mad Max: Fury Road, but I'm painfully aware of how unlikely that is to happen... But one can dream, right?)

Furthermore, the size of the figures would be right in the sweet spot. They'd be larger for more grandiose possibilities with the connecting block system, but their size and articulation would be limited as not to cannibalize Mattel's current line of 6" Halo action figures.

There is a gold mine of potential in these action figures. The smaller scale sets would maintain the unique appeal of being small enough for vehicles and set pieces, while the macro action figures would have an appeal onto their own, from their shared collectible interest with their smaller cousins, to the dynamic range of articulation, to the widened array of customization made possible by their larger size. If these macro figures were to become a reality, I can guarantee that they would sell like wildfire alongside the other individually packaged micro figures.

Thank you for your time, and MEGA or Mattel, if this somehow reaches you, keep up the awesome work!

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