Joe/Cobra customs

Tips & Tricks
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Because many of us seem to be making them, I figured, why not make a thread?
Feel free to share your custom images and any recipes that'll be helpful to those who also want to make them.

... ... ... [Me if no one else.]

I'll have a few of mine own posted once they go through the filters of posting images.

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I've got a Zartan, Beachhead, Flint and Viper done that look pretty close to the originals. Also have a Hawk, Duke and Short-Fuze that are a little more re-imagined. I'll get some pictures up soon.

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If only that juggernaut mold was released in cobra blue . As it stands I have a pseudo Cobra organization made up of commando army builder types . I even have a Cobra Commander with a new helmet with face plate.

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If only that juggernaut mold was released in cobra blue . As it stands I have a pseudo Cobra organization made up of commando army builder types . I even have a Cobra Commander with a new helmet with face plate.

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Here are my Joe and Cobra customs made from CoD parts.

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That Destro and Cobra Viper stand out to me (but they are all effective). That destro works well. I flat out do not have enough varied fodder to create many customs. I've tried to be very focused on what I buy in order to only own what I'll use. That atlas troopers set is one I want but I haven't purchased yet because I only want the red troopers.

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Thank you.
One up side to also using these figures for table top war gaming is that there is always a justification for getting the troop builder packs and the smaller set packs (and sometimes multiples of those). Besides having a use for all the generic troopers it also yields plenty of parts for the Body Bank.

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Whose head did you paint silver?

That Cobra Viper - beautiful.

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That's an Assassin's Creed head that I did the same way I did most of the Micronaut heads.

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