

25 pcs

Image of: Raphael
Image of: Raphael
Image of: Raphael
Image of: Raphael

Included in this set



Rate & Review

Bought one originally, then saw my local store had 3 more on clearance months later bought them, not knowing if the other three would be produced in comic form. I took weapons from the Foot Soldiers to make Donatello, Michelangelo and Leonardo.
Great toys my complaint is that you don't actually sell them your self we have to hope to get lucky and find them on a walmart shelf at normal price you guys make these things would it not be smart to list everything you actually make and sell them right here on there page not just have a buy now link to amazon or walmart who never have what we are looking for anyways so your buy now links are always pointless come on guys you make awesome stuff that we want but i don't like the fact that they're first come first serve then good luck finding one in the future if it wasn't in stock when you got to the store or on amazon.com where hes 25 bucks instead of 5
pretty awesome toy a lot of detail
Great figure. Lots of detail. Made for a great stocking stuff for me this past Christmas!
Still looking and waiting for Mikey. Awesome figures!
Got two of Raphael, One has Swords now and so he's Leonardo,
and also Got Donatello all off Amazon
(being in Australia we don't have Walmart here, and the only Leonardo I could find was like $200 Au on an obscure site, not gonna happen scalpers!)
Pr-ordered Michelangelo from BBTS, They look great just like the Original B/W drawings but in color, Hope They make a Splinter, Casey Jones and Shredder in the same original style

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