Agent Locke


19 pcs

Image of: Agent Locke
Image of: Agent Locke
Image of: Agent Locke
Image of: Agent Locke
Image of: Agent Locke

Included in this set



Rate & Review

Wish the head had the ability to wear the new helmets. Love incorporating this figure with my other marines.
In general, an excellent figure! Great callback to Nightfall, and the figure looks just like Locke in said film. Unique armor pieces and vest contribute to an overall great appeal, and the dog tags visible are very striking. DMR is a good weapon choice as well. Very detailed body and features, as well as a neat stand. 5/5
Awesome looking figure. You customize it with a special load out and a bunch of Marine attachments and he looks awesome
Amazing figure! The muscles look incredible lol, and I love the little plastic suspenders things. The only problem I have is that my Locke has a little bit of white stuff on his beard, but that was probably a mistake, and I could fix it myself by just painting over it. Great figure!

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