UNSC Frostraven vs. Decimus


1489 pcs

Image of: UNSC Frostraven vs. Decimus
Image of: UNSC Frostraven vs. Decimus
Image of: UNSC Frostraven vs. Decimus
Image of: UNSC Frostraven vs. Decimus
Image of: UNSC Frostraven vs. Decimus

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Rate & Review

If I had it I would be loving it so so much because I love halo wars 2 and the decimus leader and serina leader in halo wars 2. (Bonus)speaking of leaders in halo wars 2 I think they are all cool leaders so much
Want it mainly because I have the forgehog and want to put it on it but it’s an awesome set
Muy buen set, más grande de lo que esperaba pero ya me daba una idea por el tamaño de la caja, pienso que hubiera estado perfecto que también contarán en el set mínimo 4 figuras, 2 de la UNSC y 2 Desterrados, en general un set que adornara cualquier espacio en el que lo situes.
I want this thing so bad but it's always sold out; everywhere I look i just cant find it. SO please mega construx make more of these models.
Looks amazing just wish I could buy it. To bad it's being sold nowhere
i like the set but i wanna ask why does some set is related to halo wars 2 like the frostraven and the banished covenants and the hunters, the vehicles the hunters, i think the halo designer is out of idea even the weapons the elites are more likely the halo 3 and the brutes look similar to halo wars 2 the assault rifle is like halo reach and how does master chief suppose to change his armor to halo 3 and halo 2 mark VI and the world just changed

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