Series de Diseñador: Tanque Scorpion del UNSC


1014 pcs

Image of: Series de Diseñador: Tanque Scorpion del UNSC
Image of: Series de Diseñador: Tanque Scorpion del UNSC
Image of: Series de Diseñador: Tanque Scorpion del UNSC
Image of: Series de Diseñador: Tanque Scorpion del UNSC

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muy buen set para los amates de haloque lo juegan desde su inicio muy nostalgico la armadura roja que viene con el set que la que usa master chief en halo 1
I agree to release this set
Everybody is making entire paragraphs anyway AmAzInG set
I would give it a 5 star rating but the gun gimmick is terrible and the lack of paper instructions are completely ridiculous. Seriously, cant we just have a real scorpion tank with the correct turret like is in the game? Oh and did i mention real paper instructions, you know, the kind that a kit this big needs to be on the table in your hand or in front of you. not a computer, phone or tablet screen. However, a nice piece of work once done... other than the pseudo turret.
I bought the last one in stock after someone else bought me one. I built theirs as soon as possible, but mine remained on the shelf. I'm just now building my set, but it appears I need the app which is not on the AppStore. Great detail, not frustrating, but I want paper instructions. Also, seventy dollars. Two hundred pieces more than the giant Banished AA gun, yet twice the price.
Just please rerelease this set

Instalar: Mega™ Unboxed

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