

33 pcs

Image of: Fomantis
Image of: Fomantis
Image of: Fomantis
Image of: Fomantis



Rate & Review

I had to pick this set up not only to complete my collection but because the colors are beautiful and stand out. I usually try building sets on my own at first(just for fun) and once I followed the instructions and saw how the pieces fit it felt so satisfying to put together such a unique build. One of my personal favorites out of this wave. A shiny version would look great as well and hoping to see Lurantis down the line!
If you are going to get a pokemon from this 3rd wave pokeball sets make sure it is this one. It is such a fun and unique build. But there is a reason there are 4 stars and not 5. The connection point. To connect it to any base you have to get a female to female brick or fit it between studs or just balance it witch if impossible and it is back heavy. However it has one of the best brick to price and is fun to build.

Instalar: Mega™ Unboxed

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