Dra. Halsey


18 pcs

Image of: Dra. Halsey
Image of: Dra. Halsey
Image of: Dra. Halsey

Included in this set



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My Favorite one so far...
Things i definitely love about the mini fig, it comes with a mini holographic Cortana which I'm not quite sure why it's not listed or included on here on your site, and two, the material of her jacket, it doesn't get in the way which is awesome and is quite posable
I lost my Cortana and I’m pretty sad but it’s still a cool figure, never got doubles in the blind bags
The figure itself is not bad, it's great design-wise, however, I believe that the colours are what make it not as good. The jacket should be more of a white instead of a grey, the blue on the jacket and pants should be a bit darker, and the shoes should be dark blue instead of light purple. Colour wise, the hair is pretty accurate. The skin colours are fine, except for the face. The face is a bit of a different colour, and glossy. The eyes are pretty even for the white parts so thats not too bad. I do like that her name is actually printed on her jacket, its a small but important detail in my opinion. Cortana is a weird light blue colour, unlike the Cryo Bay set's Cortana, or the larer figures of her. Overall I think its ok just to have the character, but isn't too detailed for the people who want 100% game accurate figures.
Oh, Dr. Halsey has her arm, would you look at that.
Well, Mega could have done a better work with the paint applications and I didn't like the accessories, anyway, to be a repaint of the previously S5 Cortana, it's ok

Install: Mega™ Unboxed

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