Green UNSC Spartan II


209 pcs

Image of: Green UNSC Spartan II
Image of: Green UNSC Spartan II
Image of: Green UNSC Spartan II
Image of: Green UNSC Spartan II



Rate & Review

This is a nice set, and it looks good on display. My only caveat is that some of the joints (part AS9681610) became weak and broke after years of being on display. Megabloks was gracious enough to send me some replacement parts, so I can get him back up on display again. For that, I am grateful for that. I think this time, I might silicone spray the joints before I move him to a new position next time.
This one was one of the first Mega Bloks Halo sets I got, and now I still think this green SPARTAN-II is one of the most collectible Halo figures produced by Mega. His articulation allows to pose him in lots of different cool ways if you spend some time to figure out how to do it, and the additional decals for his shoulder parts are neat. The Spartan is great for both play and display. His shotgun looks awesome and accurate but I wish Mega could include another small weapon like a Magnum or a Frag Grenade.
I never quite understood this one. While there is some unique pre- fab parts, there is a fair amount of traditional bloks. Solid fairly sturdy build, and well designed. The stand and back drop add to it significantly. I'm trying to get all the sets otherwise this doesn't appeal to me.
i actually bought this set when it first came out, and was very pleased with it overall. my only problem was the limited lack of weapons and nothing that could work with this set, but that is small compared with the enjoyment i get everyday.

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